Every new year is an opportunity to build on past successes and to look ahead with a renewed sense of purpose and goals to set. Even before some Barnard students returned to campus to begin 2023, they had already begun to consider their wishes for the year. Here’s to looking ahead! 

Fatoumata Camara ’25 | Computer Science


“Spring of 2023 will mark my fourth semester on Barnard’s campus. It’s surprising to think that a little over a year ago was the beginning of my college journey. 

“Though there have been ups with many downs, I am most excited to better myself — academically and mentally. Stress from school can sometimes take over, leaving me to forget life outside of it. As a result, I will continually give myself reminders that school is not all that there is. These reminders could include self-care days, calling a family member, or simply taking a nap. It is possible to have a work-life balance, to ensure I’m being honest, and to be gentle with myself. 

“I will also be declaring my major as computer science. When I first started the major, everything seemed impossible. Now, with the ability to take higher-level courses, I finally feel that I am truly part of the major.”

Lela DeVine ’25 | Molecular Biology


“I am excited to continue conducting scientific research alongside my academic studies at the start of the new year. I have valued my time here with the Biology Department, and every semester brings something new to look forward to and learn from. 

“I am majoring in cellular and molecular biology while studying antibiotic resistance and horizontal gene transfer at the Lopatkin Lab. My research focuses on systems microbiology [which ‘attempts to examine the emergent properties of microorganisms that arise from the interplay of genes, proteins, other macromolecules, small molecules, organelles, and the environment,’ according to an American Academy of Microbiology report]. Since joining the lab in spring 2022 and participating in the Summer Research Institute (SRI), I have been able to build upon the research interests that I developed in Hawai’i while studying marine pharmacology.” 

Tara Sangal ’25 | Computational Biology


“[For this] new year, I’m looking forward to combining my interests in computation and public health to increase our understanding of health inequities in New York. [This means] using modeling systems and surveying to study health patterns in [the City]. I’d hope this information would help improve our understanding of care, especially in areas that don’t have much data. 
“The second semester of sophomore year is definitely a big one, with a lot of decisions to be made, but as part of McAc, I am really excited for Midnight Breakfast, and other events like Spirit Week. [I’m looking forward] to working with our faculty, peers, and advisers to create amazing things on campus and to work together to further expand our Barnard community!”

Amy Zhang ’23 | Economics and Mathematics


“Four momentous [years] — it’s hard to believe I’m graduating this year! 

“Before then, I hope to continue reconnecting with my creative side. I’m looking forward to taking the Modern Western Drama and the History of Acting course and publishing my final issue of Echoes, Barnard’s literary and arts magazine. Of course, my friends and I plan on enjoying local ‘Senior Night’ celebrations as well as a spring break road trip down South. 

“After that, I’ll be excited to move back home to the San Francisco Bay Area to spend time with my family and embark upon a two-year empirical research fellowship, focused on crime and policing, at Stanford Law School. And then, who knows? If there’s anything Barnard and New York City have taught me, it’s how to roll with the punches. Here’s to a bold and brilliant new chapter!”

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